FAQ & Support

Frequently Asked Questions

What's your pricing model?

Our developer platform is completely free to use and we don't charge you to use our voice and video chat features inside your game.

How is Bunch different than in-game chat?

In-game chat is great when players are already inside your game and need to coordinate the gameplay. But Bunch is different, it is a complete social layer for your game, that offers persistent chat that works before and after the game.

Does implementing Bunch in my game require an SDK?

No, you can simply add a

in your game - and your players can start a party on Bunch. This does not require an SDK. To learn more about available integration options read
Integration overview

Does video chat work on both iOS and Android devices?

Yes, if the game integrates

. Without the SDK, Bunch Overlay is able to provide voice and video chat on Android. However, due to operating system limitations on iOS, while Bunch is running in the background, it can only deliver voice chat.

Does implementing Bunch voice and video functionality hinder my game's performance?

It depends on your game and the device your player is using. Performance may be affected due to network connection usage and CPU processing power. That said, we haven’t observed any visual impact when testing on an iPhone SE with video overlay while playing intense action games, such as Guns of Boom and Brawl Stars. In all tests, the Bunch video overlay functioned well throughout the game session.

Does Bunch work if any of the players are on a data connection instead of a WiFi network?

It depends on the network condition. WiFi connections usually give players better bandwidth and latency. However, some cellular networks can match the speed needed to provide the highest-quality video stream. To give your players the best experience possible, Bunch dynamically adjusts the video quality based on the current network condition.

What if I just want to use voice chat (no video overlays) during gameplay?

We can configure your game on our end to disable the video chat (and rely only on voice), or we can customize where and how the video overlay is displayed in your game. The players can also easily flick the Bunch overlay out of the screen to hide it; and easily bring it back.

How many players can participate in a Bunch party?

We’ve set this limit to 8 people. Let us know if you'd prefer a larger limit in your game.

Does Bunch work if my game is developed in Unity, Unreal or a custom engine?

Bunch works with games that are built using any engine including Unity, Unreal or custom game engines.

Does Bunch work with console or PC Games as well?

We're glad you asked! We are working on some new ways that will make it easy and fun to use Bunch while playing PC & Console games with friends. If you are interested in learning more - please email us here.

Developer Support

If you’re having trouble with something or experiencing any issues, please email us here.
... Or you can get 1-1 support from our engineers on a shared slack channel; if you are interested - please let us know here.